14/10/2015 | Speakers
Ireneusz Jablonski

Deputy Mayor of the City of Lodz. Specialist in the area of strategic and operational management, building, restructuring, and directing large business and public organizations. For more than 15 years associated with the financial services sector, followed by the energy sector and currently with strategic consulting. In 1994-1997 Mayor of Łowicz; member of the Council by the President of the Republic of Poland for local government policy; in 1997. Łowicz received the title of the best managed city in the category of 30-50 thousand. residents, based on the European Cities Charter. Since 2002 he served as the Vice President of Bank Częstochowa SA, overseeing the restructurisation of the Bank and serving as a Project Manager in mBank – built from scratch, first in the country electronic bank. In 2003 as Vice President of Postbank he prepared and carried out the bank´s restructuring program and, along with the team´s of closest collaborators, has developed an innovative program to implement a wide range of financial services for post-services institutions. In years 2005-2008 as the Director of the BRE Bank SA in Warsaw he was responsible, inter alia, for strategy and governance over the bank holding company; conducted a comprehensive restructuring (under the BREactivation) of the bank Since 2003 he is associated with the Adam Smith Centre and since 2004 he has been a Member of the Board of the Centre and strategic advisory team leader.